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Brown Rice Syrup

Brown rice syrup is a sweetener that is made by fermenting cooked brown rice with enzymes to break down the starches into simple sugars, which are then boiled to form a syrup. It is commonly used as a substitute for corn syrup or other liquid sweeteners in baking, cooking, and candy making.
Brown rice syrup has a mild, sweet taste with a hint of nuttiness and is less sweet than refined sugar or honey. It has a thick, sticky consistency and can be used to bind granola bars, energy balls, or other snacks together.
Brown rice syrup is considered a healthier alternative to refined sugar because it contains trace amounts of vitamins and minerals, such as magnesium and potassium that are naturally present in brown rice. However, it is still a high-calorie sweetener and should be consumed in moderation.
It is important to note that brown rice syrup is not recommended for people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance because it may contain trace amounts of gluten due to the fermentation process.